Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good Intentions

I've been busy lately, reading my way through a very interesting pile of books:

The Energy Healing Experiments by Gary Schwartz 
Dr. Schwartz's website

The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Intention Experiment website

Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
Website, Dean Radin PHD

The ESP Enigma by Diane Hennacy Powell
Dr. Hennacy Powell's website

These books explain the scientific research and the myriad experiments being done around the globe by some intrepid scientists.  Experiments that show how our focused intention can physically alter matter.   These scientists use the latest medical technology and some very sophisticated equipment (like a tool that can measure light so subtle it can pick up the flicker of a single burning candle a mile away) to conduct their research.   Though their subject of investigation - energy - is very difficult to quantify, many of the experiments meet the gold standard of scientific research: the double-blind study with replication of results.   These results lead to some very interesting questions.  The answers to which challenge our current understanding of physics.    If you're ready to meet that challenge, I encourage you to read these books and visit the authors' websites.   They don't pretend to have all the answers, but they sure are asking interesting questions. 

When one tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it hitched to the rest of the Universe.
John Muir

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Taking your monkey mind for a walk

"Monkey mind" is a Buddhist term meaning an unsettled or restless mind.   When we are busy doing things, our monkey mind usually isn't noticeable.  But when we try to relax that monkey comes bouncing out, and our thoughts follow it's crazy trajectory.  Instead of resting we're thinking about our jobs, our family responsibilities, financial commitments and any other thing the monkey finds interesting.   That darn monkey will even wake you up in the middle of the night if it thinks you haven't worried enough during the day.

So we look for ways to quiet the monkey.  Meditation, we're told, is the answer.  Still the monkey, find the quiet within.  Yes, meditation is the answer.  But don't think for one minute that monkey is going to cooperate!  You can light a candle, turn off your phone and sit on a meditation pillow but quieting the body and quieting the mind are two very different things.  And while meditation does require a stilling of the mind, it is not necessary to sit like a statue.

Moving meditation is a great option.  Tai chi and qi gong are two excellent examples of moving meditation.  The benefits are myriad, but learning these forms can be complicated and lengthy (it's worth it though!)   Here's an easy moving meditation you can do anywhere, anytime.  I learned this technique from Dr. Parmjit Singh  who is associated with McMaster University here in Hamilton, Ontario.

Go for a walk.  As you walk, you're going to touch each finger tip with your thumb (left thumb touches finger tips on left hand, right thumb touches finger tips on right hand).  Starting with the baby finger, touch each finger tip once until you get to the index finger, then reverse by touching the index finger again and work your way back to the baby finger.  Eight touches in all. 

As you do this you are going to control your breathing.  (Remember to breath with your diaphragm, the air going into your belly - don't raise your shoulders when you inhale.) You inhale for 4 touches and exhale for 4 touches.  Each inhale and exhale will be separated into 4 short breaths, timed to match your finger tip touching:

Touch thumbs to baby fingers - short inhale
Touch thumbs to ring fingers - short inhale
Touch thumbs to middle fingers - short inhale
Touch thumbs to index fingers - short inhale
Touch thumbs to index fingers - short exhale
Touch thumbs to middle fingers - short exhale
Touch thumbs to ring fingers - short exhale
Touch thumbs to baby fingers - short exhale

This technique gives you the benefits of mild exercise and meditation at the same time.   So quiet that monkey by taking it out for a walk!

If you do this walking meditation barefoot on the grass or at the beach you'll also be getting all the benefits of earthing!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Qi Gong Day in Toronto

I recently attended the World Qi Gong Congress held in Toronto Ontario.  I attended only one day of the four day event.  That one day was so jam-packed with information, demonstrations and lectures I can't imagine my brain absorbing three more days worth!

"The Magic of Qi Gong" with Lee Holden

 I was lucky enough to participate in demonstrations in two of the workshops I attended.   The first workshop was "Energetics of Push Hands" with Lama Tantrapa.     Though it was aimed at beginners (which I am not) I was very impressed by his down-to-earth style, depth of knowledge, and skill.  He had been teaching us how to be rooted so when pushed we wouldn't lose our balance.  When he asked me to participate in a demo by pushing him, I applied all my Tai Chi principles and complied.  And pushed him off balance!  He'd under estimated my abilities, so he re-took his stance and told me to push him again.  I pushed him off balance again, though less so this time.  At this point he turned to the crowded room and announced "She is very powerful".  Yes - Lama Tantrapa said I was powerful!  I was thrilled.  And totally impressed by his lack of ego.  He took his stance again and told me to push.  It was like pushing on jello.  I couldn't find his centre and just rolled off one side or the other, no matter how many times I tried.  It was obvious I was no match for him once he stepped up his game.  But he'd had to step up his game -  proof my years of studying Tai Chi haven't been wasted!

The second workshop was with Dr. Effie Chow.  This tiny lady (I don't think she's five feet tall) is at least sixty-five years old and was sporting a cane.  She asked four large people to come to the front.   I was sitting in the second row - she pointed to me and told me to come up.  I'm overweight, and being selected for my size was hard on my ego, but I went up there anyway.  Once at the front we were told to announce our weight into the microphone so everyone could hear.   Gulp.  Well, I figured everyone could see I was overweight, so what was the big deal about putting a number on it?  So I proudly stated my true weight.  (I guess the glow from the "She is very powerful" comment hadn't worn off yet. )  Someone in the audience added it all up - together the four of us weighed over 800 lbs.   Dr. Chow told us to stand in a line, congo-style and plant ourselves firmly, but not to push back if we felt pushed.  She leaned on the first guy in line, but  couldn't budge him.  Then she used her chi to push instead of her muscles.  She pushed all four of us backward!  I was the furthest away from her yet still felt a smooth, solid and relentless energy push me back.  It was amazing.

Dr. George Love's workshop on Qi Gong to prevent/heal cancer was awesome.  Dr. Love is charismatic and inspiring and emanates a passionate and fun-loving energy.  I was so impressed with him I bought his DVD and plan to learn his Meridian Qi Gong exercises.  The DVD came with a bonus disk of his Qi Gong music video which is also on Youtube.  Watch it here and see his incredible energy for yourself.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Earth Healing - No Dragon Required

Healing with "Earthing"

Earthing is an easy way to help your body overcome illness and injury and improve your overall health.  Sound too good to be true?  "Earthing" is not a new diet or exercise program, in fact it's old.  Very, very old.  What is new is our ability to scientifically support the benefits of "earthing".

What is "earthing"?   It's walking barefoot on the earth.  Yup, that's it.  That's the whole enchilada - exercising on the earth in your bare feet.  Here's a four minute video that gives you a quick overview of the oldest, easiest and free way to improve your health.

There's an excellent video here that explains in detail the research done to support the claim that earthing can help us avoid our body's inflammatory response and why this leads to better health.  The video is just over an hour long but well worth the time investment.  If you don't have an hour to spare you can read the highlights on the page below the video.

I realize all that glitters is not gold, but this seemed to make sense to me so I gave it a try.  I had injured my back 6 days prior and was frustrated by my lack of recovery.  Despite continuing to practice Tai Chi and Qi Gong through the injury, laying down was my only pain free activity.   So I moved my Qi Gong practice outside, removed my socks and did a round of "Eight Brocades" - eight short exercises rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It took about twenty minutes.

For the next two hours I had tingling in the bottom of my feet as well as tingling and warmth up my legs, half way to my knees.  I have been practicing Qi Gong for years and had never experienced this.  I had never done Qi Gong barefoot in the grass before either.  

My back felt better, but I wanted it to be right, not just better.  So I did it again the next day, only this time after completing the exercises I laid on my back on the ground.  After about 10 minutes I was interrupted, my attention called indoors.  Because I was focused on other things, I didn't realize until later that day my back was normal.   Full range of motion - pain free!

If you decide to give earthing a try, please share your experiences here.  I'd love to hear if others have similiar experiences.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Phew! I did it.

I did it!

The April A-Z challenge was an awesome opportunity to connect with other bloggers, find great new blogs to follow and hone up on my posting skills.    I have to admit though, I'm glad it's over.  Thirty posts in thirty days is tough for me to sustain.  In non-April months I'm not usually online on a daily basis, so I'm happy to revert back to my pre-challenge posting schedule of once per week (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on life).

The main focus of my future posts will continue to be the healing energy arts, though I plan to cast my idea-net a little wider.  Later this month I will be attending the 14th World Congress on Qigong and hope to learn some great stuff I can share with you.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about Reiki, Tai Chi, Qigong, Shamballa or Sound Therapy, please leave a comment on this post.  I'll do my best to answer it for you.


Monday, April 30, 2012


Z is for Zest

Zest (noun)

 ORIGIN late 15th C: from French zeste ‘orange or lemon peel,’ of unknown origin.

•  Great enthusiasm and energy
     They blogged with zest and intelligence.
• A quality of excitement and piquancy
    They added zest to the blogosphere.

Thanks to all my fellow A - Z Blogging Challenge buddies.  Your posts and comments have been enlightening, moving, hilarious, and thought provoking.  And many thanks to those of you who became followers, I hope you continue to visit and comment.   You have all shown your zest for writing, for friendship, for supporting each other.  For life.

You are awesome!