Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Relax into Healing

We all know we should relax more. 

 And we all know how difficult it can be to relax.

But here's something we don't all know:

It has been proven that relaxing can fundamentally change your health.

According to Mario Beauregard, author of "Brain Wars", the Harvard Medical School conducted a study which showed that more than 2200 genes were activated differently between people who practiced relaxation and people who didn't.  Perhaps even more interesting, they discovered a gene that is turned on or off by stress is turned the other way during relaxation.   Wow!

Relax with Reiki

Understanding that relaxation can change the way your body operates at this most fundamental level helps to explain the benefits of reiki.  During a reiki treatment you achieve a state of deep relaxation, which is usually accompanied by increased energy and feelings of well-being.  Well, no wonder!  You're giving those stressed-out genes a chance to express themselves in a more balanced way.

There are many ways to relax and trigger the body's innate ability to heal.  If you're not sure which approach is best for you,  why not try reiki?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Weaving the Web

Humankind has not woven the web of life
We are but one thread within it
Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves
All things are bound together
All things connect

This beautiful quote is usually attributed to Chief Seattle, pictured above in the only known photo of him, taken in 1864.  However the folks over at  snopes tell us it was really written by Ted Perry, a screen writer, in 1971.  Regardless of the author or era, these profound words remain true today, and always will.  

"Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves"

I believe the opposite is also true:

 Whatever we do to ourselves we do to the web

So be compassionate with yourself.  Make compassion your connecting thread to the web.  Weave it over, around and through everything you do for yourself.

Take time for yourself.  Do the things that feed your soul.   Yes, you can.  In fact, you have to.  It's like the flight attendant says before take off - you have to put your own oxygen mask on first, before you can help anyone else.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Considering a Reiki Treatment?

Are you considering your first Reiki treatment?  Wondering what it's like?  Don't know which practitioner to see?

Making that first appointment for energy healing can be intimidating.    The styles, prices and approaches of Reiki practitioners is as variable as their handwriting.  So do a bit of research to find the right one for you.

Am I the right one?  To help you figure this out I've started a "Satisfied Clients Say" page.  Read the testimonials here.  And read my blog posts.  Does it feel right?  Yes?  Great!  Send an email to earthdragonhealing@gmail.com to arrange a personal appointment.  No.  Oh well, not to worry.  Keep looking.  The right Reiki practitioner is out there somewhere

Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Small Thing

YOU can make the world a better place.

How?  One small thing:  Learn Reiki

It's inexpensive.

It's easy to learn.   

It's easy to do.

It really works.

There are different approaches to Reiki.   The traditional approach focuses on the spiritual (not to be mistaken for religious - Reiki is NOT a religion).  Here's a great resource for this style of Reiki:  http://www.reiki.org/faq/learningreiki.html

A less traditional approach is offered here:  http://reikiawakening.com/practicalreiki    No symbols, no rituals - practical and straight forward.  If this style is for you, I highly recommend her book "Practical Reiki".

Reiki is not a new age fad.  It's a rediscovering of ancient knowledge.  Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates said "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."   YOU can use Reiki to tap into this natural healing force and help yourself, family, friends, colleagues and even your pets feel better.

"Never give up helping others. 
We can do no great things; 
only small things with great love. 
Do not wait for leaders; 
            do it alone, person to person."               
                                Mother Theresa

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oh the Thinks you can Think!

 "When you say you fear death you are really saying that you fear you have not lived your true life.  This fear cloaks the world in silent suffering".   
David Viscott

"To become a spectator of one's own life is to escape the suffering of life."  Oscar Wilde


 “I believe one has to escape oneself to discover oneself.”     
Rabih Alameddine

 Finding the right work
is like discovering your
own soul in the world.  Thomas Moore

“Rummaging in our souls, we often dig up something that 
ought to have lain there unnoticed. ” 
 Leo Tolstoy 

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."   Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good Intentions

I've been busy lately, reading my way through a very interesting pile of books:

The Energy Healing Experiments by Gary Schwartz 
Dr. Schwartz's website

The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Intention Experiment website

Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
Website, Dean Radin PHD

The ESP Enigma by Diane Hennacy Powell
Dr. Hennacy Powell's website

These books explain the scientific research and the myriad experiments being done around the globe by some intrepid scientists.  Experiments that show how our focused intention can physically alter matter.   These scientists use the latest medical technology and some very sophisticated equipment (like a tool that can measure light so subtle it can pick up the flicker of a single burning candle a mile away) to conduct their research.   Though their subject of investigation - energy - is very difficult to quantify, many of the experiments meet the gold standard of scientific research: the double-blind study with replication of results.   These results lead to some very interesting questions.  The answers to which challenge our current understanding of physics.    If you're ready to meet that challenge, I encourage you to read these books and visit the authors' websites.   They don't pretend to have all the answers, but they sure are asking interesting questions. 

When one tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it hitched to the rest of the Universe.
John Muir