Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Info & Ideas

My favourite thing is to help people.  More specifically, to help people help themselves.  I love to share information and ideas, especially those that fall outside of what is considered to be mainstream.  There is so much valuable information and so many great ideas that never seem to make it into the public consciousness.  No effort is required to learn what the mainstream media  wants us to know, we're bombarded with those images and messages constantly.  But if you want to learn what we're not being told,  you really need to look.

That's what physician and technologist Craig Feied did.  He took on a massive data collection project in US hospitals and analyzed the findings.  According to Levitt & Dubner, authors of Superfreakonomics,  here's what he learned:

"...more people with non fatal problems are taking more medication and having more procedures, many of which are not really helpful, a few of which are harmful, while the people with really fatal illness are rarely cured and ultimately die anyway."

Mr. Feied also analyzed the statistics at hospitals in the US, Israel and Columbia.  What he found is astonishing:  When doctors were on strike, or if large numbers of doctors were absent (say to attend a conference) there was a 18% - 50% drop in mortality.  This means that fewer people die when there are less doctors around!

I'm sharing this information with you, along with the idea that perhaps it's time complementary healing modalities like Reiki, acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy and osteopathy moved into the mainstream.   Not to replace critical medical care, but to provide non-invasive relief to the vast numbers of people with non-urgent ailments.


  1. I totally agree! Great post and great info. Food for thought for anyone who suffers from a non-life threatening condition.

  2. Interesting finding. My dad used to swear that the doctors killed his mother. She died on an operating table.


  3. A useful and well written post. Sharing information is always good, so thank you :)

  4. I think that we are an over-medicated, over-doctored society. Preventative care is not a top priority for many Western doctors, yet it makes the most sense in terms of both expenses and quality of life. And I agree, when problems crop up, it makes sense to approach them with safe, natural treatments that tap into the body's natural ability to heal itself.

    Great post!

  5. Love the idea of finding out for myself what we are not being told.

    I'm all for alternative medicine techniques. I practice meditation and my doctor put me on flaxseed oil since I can't do the aspirin a day thing.

  6. Something new for me today! Thanks!

  7. I'm all for a more natural and non-evasive route! I've seen first hand what natural remedies can do.

    Cheers, Jenn

  8. @Jo - thanks!

    @Joyce Lansky - what a sad thing to happen :(

    @MojoWritin' - you're welcome :)

    @Word Nerd - yes! yes! well said!

    @Pink Mystique - once you start snooping around you find out there's a lot we're not being told

    @Claudia Moser - you're welcome :)

    @Jenn - Me too - they can be amazingly effective.

  9. That kind of stuff doesn't work on me, although it seems to for some people. I take psych meds and ambien for help sleeping--I did try most of that natural stuff for depression and sleep disorders because it's cheaper but none of it worked. I didn't start feeling better until a physician medicated me. This is good info, though. Doesn't hurt to try. :-)

  10. On my visits to the US and Canada, I have been stunned by people's preoccupation with their 'medications', plus all the adverts on TV for dozens of different 'remedies' for anything you can think of.
    I'm a strong believer in 'natural' remedies rather than all the chemicals/manufactured drugs that doctors prescribe (without always knowing what the side effects may be).

  11. @Eccentricity - You are right that some conditions must be medicated. But please don't limit your idea of complimentary healing to 'natural' drugs. Reiki, acupuncture and the other healing treatments mentioned can all help - often resulting in medications (natural or synthetic) being more effective and the dosages being lowered.

    @Paula Martin - yes, sadly, North America is big pharma's playground.

  12. I agree with you 100%, and love this post.

  13. @Brenda Stevens and @Langley - thanks for the positive feedback!


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