The Energy Healing Experiments by Gary Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's website
The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Intention Experiment website
Entangled Minds by Dean Radin
Website, Dean Radin PHD
The ESP Enigma by Diane Hennacy Powell
Dr. Hennacy Powell's website
These books explain the scientific research and the myriad experiments being done around the globe by some intrepid scientists. Experiments that show how our focused intention can physically alter matter. These scientists use the latest medical technology and some very sophisticated equipment (like a tool that can measure light so subtle it can pick up the flicker of a single burning candle a mile away) to conduct their research. Though their subject of investigation - energy - is very difficult to quantify, many of the experiments meet the gold standard of scientific research: the double-blind study with replication of results. These results lead to some very interesting questions. The answers to which challenge our current understanding of physics. If you're ready to meet that challenge, I encourage you to read these books and visit the authors' websites. They don't pretend to have all the answers, but they sure are asking interesting questions.
When one tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it hitched to the rest of the Universe.
John Muir