Humankind has not woven the web of life
We are but one thread within it
Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves
All things are bound together
All things connect
This beautiful quote is usually attributed to
Chief Seattle, pictured above in the only known photo of him, taken in 1864. However the folks over at
snopes tell us it was really written by
Ted Perry, a screen writer, in 1971. Regardless of the author or era, these profound words remain true today, and always will.
"Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves"
I believe the opposite is also true:
Whatever we do to ourselves we do to the web
So be compassionate with yourself. Make
compassion your connecting thread to the web. Weave it over, around and through everything you do for yourself.
Take time for yourself. Do the things that feed your soul. Yes, you can. In fact, you have to. It's like the flight attendant says before take off - you have to put your own oxygen mask on first, before you can help anyone else.