Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Your DNA is NOT your destiny!




YOU can influence your genes

Genetically speaking, we used to think information flowed in only one direction - from our DNA to our genes.   And since our DNA doesn't change, we were stuck with what we inherited.     


Through epigenetics (the study of what influences the flow of information between your DNA and your genes), we now know our genes can be activated and deactivated not only by our DNA, but also by signals directly from our environment.   This means our DNA is NOT our destiny!  We can turn ON the genes of health and longevity and turn OFF the genes of cell decay and death!

 Many things influence how genes are expressed or suppressed:

Source: Epigenetics across the human lifespan

The wellness services I provide fall under the "alternative medicine" category on the above chart.  And while it's only 1 of the 12 ways to positively influence your genes, it's a safe, easy, and cost effective approach.

So relax with a biodynamic craniosacral session, have your muscles tuned up, or balance your energy with reiki.  And know you're doing your body good!

Make an appointment with Earth Dragon Healing

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Try something different!

 We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.  Max Depree

Are you ready to change how you feel?  A holistic wellness session is a great first step!


Make your energy balancing appointment here.



Thursday, September 1, 2016

20%          SAVE!!           20%


Save 20% when you book more than one session with Earth Dragon Healing

Touch for Health Sessions:

One session = $60
Two sessions = $95
Three sessions = $145

Reiki Sessions:

One session = $40
Two sessions = $65
Three sessions = $95

Sessions do not have to take place in September - you just need to book them in September to take advantage of this special pricing.

Payment required at time of booking.   

Offer in effect September 1 - 30, 2016 only.

Book your appointments here

Monday, April 25, 2016

What Type are You?

Reiki and Touch for Health are  different approaches to balancing your energy.   They both leave you feeling your best,  but how do you decide which is for you?

Take a bit of time to think about what you’re looking for.

Soothing music?  A spa-like experience where you feel pampered and oh-so-relaxed?

Then a Reiki session is just the thing.  Enjoy a peaceful hour where your chakras are gently balanced and realigned, leaving you feeling grounded, balanced and refreshed.


Do you prefer to be an active participant? Want to take more responsibility for your own well-being? Learn simple techniques you can do yourself?  Then Touch for Health is right for you.    The dynamic muscle tests, activation of various energy points and simple do-it-at-home touch ups will leave you feeling lively, involved and in charge.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Is Reiki a psychic abilitiy?

Is my Reiki practitioner psychic?

This is a good question and should be discussed at (or before) the first treatment.  Understandably, people can be confused about the differences between a Reiki treatment and a psychic reading.  The fact that some people who do Reiki are psychic makes the confusion all the more...well...confusing.

The short answer is "No".  Reiki is not a psychic ability.  There are so many websites dedicated to describing psychic abilities I won't spend much time explaining it here.  Basically there are 4 major types of psychic ability:  clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing) and claircognizance (clear knowing).  While there are others, these are the main ways psychics receive their information.

By contrast, Reiki doesn't involve any of these "clairs".  Being attuned to Reiki connects the practitioner to healing energy which they then channel to the client during a treatment.  It's this healing energy that does all the good work.

If you have a Reiki treatment from a person who is psychic, they will pick up information during your treatment.   You should decide ahead of time whether you want them to share this information with you.

While Reiki is not a psychic ability, working with Reiki in a client's energy field with an open and honest intention to heal can sometimes (but not always) lead to spontaneous seeing/feeling/hearing/knowing things that are related to that particular healing session.   This doesn't mean the practitioner is suddenly psychic, it's just the interesting way that energy works.

Reiki is a fantastic way to relax, relieve stress and feel better.  Why not give it a try?


Friday, May 2, 2014

Reiki can help!

Most wellness models in our western culture teach that the body is the foundation for everything in life, that without a healthy body everything else suffers.  I believe this is backwards thinking.  Your body isn't the foundation of your health.  Your body is the physical manifestation of your life experiences.  When your life is out of balance your mind gets stressed.  And when your mind is stressed your body suffers.  The good news is that you can make changes in your life, at any time, that can positively affect your health. 

Unfortunately our medical system doesn't teach doctors, or allow them the time needed, to counsel their patients on the things that ultimately manifest in the physical body. So we need to take this responsibility on for ourselves.  How do we do that? 

Ask yourself what you think might be the root to your medical condition.  Think beyond the conventional answers like "I need to lose weight" or "I am depressed".  These may be true, but they're the symptoms.  You're looking for the underlying cause.  Dig deeper:  Is your marriage on the rocks?  Do you hate your job?  Are you lonely? 

Ask yourself "What does my body need so it can heal?"  Yes, maybe you need antibiotics or some professional counselling.  But maybe you need to finish that novel, hire a nanny, forgive an old injustice, or end a relationship.

This is tough stuff.  

Go easy on yourself.  

Reiki can help.  


Friday, April 4, 2014

Pathways to Health

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Healing

According to The World Health Organization, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease."  In keeping with this idea of health, working to create a sense of well-being on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels is what Reiki is all about.

Many people use the terms "healing" and "curing" interchangeably but it's important to understand they do not mean the same thing.  Curing means to completely eradicate an illness or disease in the physical body while healing can occur on many different levels and isn't  even necessarily linked to a physical condition.


What does it mean to heal on these different levels?
  1. Physical - healing on this level might mean eliminating an illness completely, or could simply mean alleviating the symptoms for a while , allowing time to address any underlying root causes that might be found on the emotional, mental or spiritual levels. 
  2. Emotional - emotional healing might result in calming fears or coming to acceptance of the effects of life-events such as illness, bereavement, job loss, etc.
  3. Mental - the deep state of relaxation assists with the mental release of negative thought patterns or attitudes that might be interfering with relationships or achieving life goals.
  4. Spiritual - healing from a spiritual level could result in a more compassionate attitude towards self, others and the natural world.  Or it might assist in releasing restrictive belief systems to support greater self-expression and creativity. 

The Body Heals with Play
The Mind Heals with Laughter
The Spirit heals with Joy


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Relax into Healing

We all know we should relax more. 

 And we all know how difficult it can be to relax.

But here's something we don't all know:

It has been proven that relaxing can fundamentally change your health.

According to Mario Beauregard, author of "Brain Wars", the Harvard Medical School conducted a study which showed that more than 2200 genes were activated differently between people who practiced relaxation and people who didn't.  Perhaps even more interesting, they discovered a gene that is turned on or off by stress is turned the other way during relaxation.   Wow!

Relax with Reiki

Understanding that relaxation can change the way your body operates at this most fundamental level helps to explain the benefits of reiki.  During a reiki treatment you achieve a state of deep relaxation, which is usually accompanied by increased energy and feelings of well-being.  Well, no wonder!  You're giving those stressed-out genes a chance to express themselves in a more balanced way.

There are many ways to relax and trigger the body's innate ability to heal.  If you're not sure which approach is best for you,  why not try reiki?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Small Thing

YOU can make the world a better place.

How?  One small thing:  Learn Reiki

It's inexpensive.

It's easy to learn.   

It's easy to do.

It really works.

There are different approaches to Reiki.   The traditional approach focuses on the spiritual (not to be mistaken for religious - Reiki is NOT a religion).  Here's a great resource for this style of Reiki:  http://www.reiki.org/faq/learningreiki.html

A less traditional approach is offered here:  http://reikiawakening.com/practicalreiki    No symbols, no rituals - practical and straight forward.  If this style is for you, I highly recommend her book "Practical Reiki".

Reiki is not a new age fad.  It's a rediscovering of ancient knowledge.  Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates said "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."   YOU can use Reiki to tap into this natural healing force and help yourself, family, friends, colleagues and even your pets feel better.

"Never give up helping others. 
We can do no great things; 
only small things with great love. 
Do not wait for leaders; 
            do it alone, person to person."               
                                Mother Theresa

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reiki for Health & Wellness

R is for Reiki

Here are 4 really good reasons to give Reiki a try:
  1. Reiki can never do harm.  The Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for the energy and your body does the rest.  You and your body are in control of your own healing.   
  2. Reiki is not a religion.  Although Reiki is spiritually guided, Reiki has no religious affiliation.  You do not have to "believe" in anything for Reiki to work.   
  3. Reiki does not interfere with your current medications or treatments.  Reiki is a complementary healing technique that  is used in hospitals and hospices.
  4. Reiki works on both chronic illness (e.g. stress related complaints) and acute conditions (e.g. sports injuries). 
The benefits of Reiki:
  • pain relief
  • reduced stress
  • improved sleep
  • increased energy
  • feelings of well-being

People who have regular Reiki treatments feel more balanced and report an increased enjoyment in life.  So what are you waiting for?  Why not try Reiki today?  All you've got to lose is your stress.

Click here to find a Canadian Reiki Association registered Practitioner near you.

"It is good, I think, for our hearts, our minds, our imaginations, to be stretched; but body, nerve, endurance and life-span are not as elastic."   Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Good Omen

O is for Omen

 If you've read some of my previous posts you'll know I struggle with my internal skeptic, even when it comes to Reiki.  Though I've been practicing it for several years now and KNOW it works, I can be skeptical.  Certainly not about the results, but about what the heck Reiki really is anyway.    I know the history of Reiki and have listened closely to my Reiki master, but never felt like I understood.

I did some research into acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine.  I learned another energy-based modality.    In these, and even in traditional western medicine, I realized that while we can usually explain what happens and when, we often don't know the how or why behind it.   I realized that my path is not the one of scientific inquiry which will one day, I'm sure, explain so much of what seems unexplainable right now.  No, my path is that of practitioner, of healer.  Of using the tools of Reiki to help people, even though they may seem mystical to me.  With this realization I felt I was ready to take the final step and become a Reiki master. 

During day one of my master training, I shared this insight with the group.  There was nodding of heads and general support around the table.  A short while later I noticed a 4 inch long feather on the floor beside my chair.   Knowing my Reiki master has a few feathers she uses during ceremonies, I returned it to her.  No, she said, it wasn't hers.    She'd never seen the feather before and wasn't sure how it may have come into her house.    The feather, she thought, was intended for me and I should keep it.

Hmm.  Call me superstitious, but I'll interpret that feather as a sign.  A sign that I'm on the right path.  A  good omen.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

No Judgment Day Here...

My numero uno pet peeve is people who judge relentlessly.

There are so many different ways to express our spirit.  

Live and let live!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Permission Granted

We like to think we're responsible adults who don't need permission from anyone to do the things we want.    But if we listen really closely, we'll often hear others in our heads.  Others whose judgements and opinions we've incorporated into our own thinking patterns without even realizing it.  This isn't always a bad thing.  Sometimes hearing your father's voice in your head telling you not to do something is exactly what you need.  But not always.  

There's nothing scarier than starting down a path where others in your life choose not tread.  Especially when the path includes weird ideas like chakras and energy fields.  But now that you've stumbled on the trail you want to follow it, want to see where it leads.  Do you?  Or instead, do you listen to the others in your head?  Do you keep the idea to yourself, afraid of what they might think if they found out you wanted to try a Reiki treatment?  Or crazier yet, wanted to learn how to be a Reiki practitioner?

Breaking out of an established thinking pattern can be difficult, especially when you don't have anyone close by to support you.  But if you're interested in Reiki there's a lot of support online.  All you need to do is check out the links below.   Go on.... you know you want to.  Whose permission do you need?




Sunday, December 18, 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser

We've long known the human body can heal itself.

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” – Hippocrates

Being the curious species we are, we didn't leave things there.  We poked and prodded for thousands of years and came up with some really cool stuff - we call it modern medicine.  And it is amazing!  We will continue to poke around and learn more neat stuff, because that's who we are and what we do.  And it will be amazing!

As we delve deeper and deeper into the tiny organisms that collectively make a human body, as doctors become more specialized in their knowledge because there's just so darn much stuff to know, what happens to the whole?  The whole person? The whole spirit?  Anyone who's had a serious run-in with our medical system knows what happens.... it gets ignored.   You lose your identity.  Your illness or injury represents you. 

"When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.  When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. " Eckhart Tolle

There are many ways to regain your inner stillness, to regain your "wholeness" when the medical community is treating you like a collection of broken parts.    Reiki is one of the best ways I know.   Reiki taps into the natural healing forces inherent in each physical body.  It helps you tap into that inner stillness.  This healing force knows what to do, and like Hippocrates said - we just have to help it in its work.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

To Tell the Truth

Scientist and shaman use a different language to tell the same story.  Both are truth spoken from a different perspective.

Current popular ideas in theoretical physics are attempting to explain the energy in the universe.  String theory tells us that unimaginably tiny vibrating strings of energy (in nine different dimensions!) are the building blocks for every particle of matter.  Another theory tells us we live not in a uni-verse but a multi-verse, an unimaginably giant place that has an infinite and ever growing number of universes contained within it.  The scientists tell us the mathematics behind these two theories support each other.  Trouble is, they don't currently have a way to test and prove these theories.  Until they do, their ideas can't be considered hard science.  But that doesn't stop those scientists from continuing their research.  They toil away, hoping that in a hundred years or so we'll have a method to prove their theories right.

We need the same kind of determined patience in the field of the healing energy arts.  While a limited amount of science has been applied to measure healing outcomes (e.g. reduced blood pressure) we have no objective way of proving the theory behind the healing.   To tell the truth, I really don't know why Reiki and Shamballa work.  What I have received as explanation are the centuries-old stories passed from master to student.  But from experience I do know it works, and I will keep using it to heal people while I wait for the scientists to figure things out.  In the meantime, I have the language of the Shaman.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taking Ownership

Ownership usually begins with a financial transaction, but not always.  You can, for example, decide to take ownership over your own health.   While the idea of owning your state of health is free, following through once you've made the decision certainly isn't.  But that's okay, because you're prepared to spend a bit of money on yourself.  
Let's say you're feeling stressed out and have $40 to put towards helping you feel better.   Let's compare some of the ways you might spend that money:

A big basket of junk food

One very nice bottle of wine.  (Or four cheap ones if you're really stressed).

A few bottles of pain relievers.

While none of the above are effective long term solutions, they are, unfortunately, the most popular self-medication choices.  Going to a spa for pampering and relaxation is a much better choice, but all $40 will get you is .....

half of a European facial

So what can you get for $40 that is safe, effective and healthy? 

One relaxing, rejuvenating and blissful hour of Reiki! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Find Reiki - Lose Stress

"It is good, I think, for our hearts, our minds, our imaginations, to be stretched; but body, nerve, endurance and life-span are not as elastic."   Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote those words in 1955.  A time when we were just beginning to suspect the finer mysteries of the quantum world and no one questioned the separation of mind from the body.   Well things have changed.  We now know humans have a subtle energy field and this field cannot be separated from the functioning of the mind-body.  But that doesn't make Anne Morrow Lindbergh's quote out-dated.  In fact, it's more poignant than ever.  Our modern world constantly stretches our hearts, minds and imaginations.  If you watch the news, hold down a job or live with children you're stretched alright - maybe even to the point of snapping!  This stretching takes a toll on the physical body - we call it stress.  Stress impairs your immune system and an impaired immune system makes you more susceptible to illness and injury.

So how do you reduce stress?  First, turn off the news.  Trust me - you won't miss anything important.  (If anything really big happens people will talk about it.  Listen if you want.)   You probably can't afford to quit your job, and children stay at home into their 30's these days.  So what can you do?

Try Reiki!  It balances your subtle energy field and promotes deep relaxation.   This level of relaxation allows your body to do what it does best - heal itself - and creates vitality and wellness at the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Go ahead - give Reiki a try.  All you can lose is your stress.

Click here to find a Canadian Reiki Association registered Practitioner near you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 reasons why Reiki will work for you

  1. Reiki can never do harm.  The Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for universal energy and your body does the rest.  You and your body are in control of your own healing.   
  2. Reiki is not a religion.  Although Reiki is spiritually guided, Reiki has no religious affiliation.  You do not have to "believe" in anything for Reiki to work.   
  3. Reiki does not interfere with your current medications or treatments.  Reiki is a complementary healing technique that  is used in hospitals and hospices.
  4. Reiki works on both chronic illness (e.g. stress related complaints) and acute conditions (e.g. sports injuries). 
The benefits of Reiki:
  • pain relief
  • reduced stress
  • improved sleep
  • increased energy
  • feelings of well-being

People who have regular Reiki treatments feel more balanced and report an increased enjoyment in life.

So what are you waiting for?  Why not try Reiki today?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Irreplaceable Instinct

"All the learning in the world cannot replace instinct."  Robert Ley