Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Showing posts with label sound therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sound therapy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Phew! I did it.

I did it!

The April A-Z challenge was an awesome opportunity to connect with other bloggers, find great new blogs to follow and hone up on my posting skills.    I have to admit though, I'm glad it's over.  Thirty posts in thirty days is tough for me to sustain.  In non-April months I'm not usually online on a daily basis, so I'm happy to revert back to my pre-challenge posting schedule of once per week (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on life).

The main focus of my future posts will continue to be the healing energy arts, though I plan to cast my idea-net a little wider.  Later this month I will be attending the 14th World Congress on Qigong and hope to learn some great stuff I can share with you.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about Reiki, Tai Chi, Qigong, Shamballa or Sound Therapy, please leave a comment on this post.  I'll do my best to answer it for you.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sound Healing

S is for Sound

Last year my A-Z entry for the letter "S" was Sound Healing - you can read it here. 

You might be wondering why I would choose the same subject again this year.  Well, I'm taking a different approach.   Rather than expect you to read about the benefits of sound healing,  I'll let you experience sound healing for yourself.  Right here.  Right now.

David Hickey is an incredibly talented sound healer who travels across North America with his Crystal Journey tour.  David's stated mission is "To create expansive, improvised and beautiful music, to awaken consciousness, to promote peace and to restore balance of the self and the planet." 

Click on the play button and give it a try.  Keep an open mind and listen for at least three minutes - it takes him that long to really get things going.  And close your eyes so you're not distracted by watching him play.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Click here to find out more about David and his healing Crystal Journey

Monday, June 13, 2011

Who's in Control Anyway?

A weekly post, on a topic selected by Word Nerd Speaks .


Our bodies know how to heal themselves.   A broken bone knits itself together, skin regenerates itself underneath a protective scab, neural pathways in the brain can rewire themselves.   Pretty standard stuff you say?  Yes, we've become quite nonchalant.  But if you take a moment to think about it, our body's ability to heal itself is actually quite amazing. 

Who's in control of this healing?  The doctor?  Doctors prescribe the most effective medication available, dispense the most current advice, then wait to see how a body responds.  Some bodies respond with healing, some don't.  No, I don't think the doctor is in control. 

What about energy healers?  Are they in control of the physical healing by manipulating your energy?  Again, the answer is "no".  If you come across an energy healer who tells you otherwise run away....fast. 

A good energy healer recognizes she doesn't control anything.  Using her intention, she allows your body's natural healing to take place.  That's all there is to it.  Modalities, like sound healing and Reiki for example, are tools healers use to assist with focusing their intent.   Using these tools without intention is like trying to drive a car without wheels - you're not going to get anywhere.

I recently attended a talk given by Simon Hay, Soul Healer , an Australian on business in the U.S.  Thanks to host Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings Simon crossed the border into Canada where I heard him speak.  He is an amazing healer/regular guy who teaches that every one of us is a healer.   According to Simon:

"Healing is attention without direction. When I’m healing, spirit reminds me that I’m not in control. My only purpose is to be attentive. My intention is to heal, not heal something, or heal this way. This allows me to see what’s happening and not create the outcome. We’ve forgotten that our bodies can self-heal."  The rest of his article can be read here.

In the world of energy healing, when it comes to control, less always results in more.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Sounds of Healing

"S" is for Sound Healing

"The use of sound as a healing tool dates back thousands of years. Now, the field of sound healing is gaining considerable attention, as sound pioneers promote the healing benefits of music, tones and instruments.  Modern science is now in agreement with what the ancient mystics have told us—that everything is in a state of vibration, from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, to planets and distant galaxies moving around stars. As they’re creating movement, they are creating vibration, and this vibration can be perceived of as sound. So everything is creating a sound. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system of the body is creating a sound. When we are in a state of health, we’re like an extraordinary orchestra that’s playing a wonderful symphony of the self. But what happens if the second violin player loses her sheet music? She begins to play out of tune, and pretty soon the entire string section sounds bad. Pretty soon, in fact, the entire orchestra is off. This is a metaphor for disease."  Quoted from Jonathon Goldman, Director of Sound Healers Association.

 Are you looking for an easy way to relax and rejuvenate?   Then you're looking for sound therapy! 

 What is sound therapy? 
  It is the therapeutic use of sound and music to promote healing. 

What benefits can you expect?
    * Better sleep
    * Reduced stress and its related disorders 
    * Improved mental concentration and creativity

How does it work?
By encouraging your body to resonate at a cellular level, and at a specific frequency, for each gland, organ, system and subtle body.  This helps your body to relax and balance itself, returning to a state of homeostasis and more optimal functioning.    

Why does this happen?
There is an incredible amount of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of sound therapy.   Researchers are working to bring this evidence to bear the weight of standard scientific scrutiny.  Below is a sampling of the many areas being investigated:

1.  Our whole universe, including our bodies, is made up a extremely tiny vibrating strings.  This idea is known as string theory and describes our universe as being composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes (branes) of energy.  They vibrate and twist into different shapes, connect together and break apart.   This theory has important implications in modern energy healing arts and its concepts are similar to many ancient healing traditions.    Patricia R. Spadaro has more on the science of energy here:  The Science of Energy

2.  Our cells vary in size, and are giant compared to those theoretical strings.   The Centre for Neuroacoustic Research has studied direct stimulation of living cellular tissue with sound frequency vibration.   Since the human body is over 70% water, and since sound travels 5 times more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at a cellular level.   They have also found that sound frequency pulse waves played directly into the body has a profound effect on the nervous system.   Far-reaching possibilities are inherent in using this type of vibrational technology in the areas of massage, energy work, physical healing, emotional release work, hypnosis, stress reduction, relaxation and meditation.

3.  Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has studied the effects of sound by photographing water crystals.   He plays different kinds of music next to the water samples, then freezes the samples resulting in crystals.  These crystalline structures are remarkably different, depending of the type of music they were exposed to.   To see some of his many beautiful photos click here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

OM is where the heart is

"O" is for OM

OM is one of the most basic sounds we can make.  It's been described in Buddhist scriptures as the most powerful of all sounds.  Cymatics, the study of how sound affects matter, uses sand, iron filings and even mercury to produce pictures of the human voice.  Using cymatics, the chanting of "OM" produces interlayered concentric diamonds and triangles set within a perfect circle as pictured here:

OM is often used as a mantra during meditation to keep the monkey mind focused.  It can also be used in toning.

What is toning?

It's the use of sound to allow the natural flow of energy in the body.  This energy flow resolves tension, releases emotion and supports the body's natural healing process.  Toning is easy, and it doesn't require any special equipment or singing ability. 

How do you tone?

Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed.

Sit comfortably, with your spine straight and your diaphragm/abdomen unobstructed - no tight waistbands or belts.  If you can't sit comfortably cross-legged on the floor, or on the front edge of a wooden chair, then stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Inhale through your nose, release the breath through the mouth while making one long sustained sound "OOOOOOMMMMMMM".

Repeat this several times.  Be sure your jaw is relaxed and your mouth is hanging open when you make the "OOOOO" part of the sound.

Play with it!  Tone using different pitches, or while tapping your spoon against your coffee cup.  Even more fun is to tone while playing a Tibetan singing bowl
or crystal bowl

While the bowls add another dimension to the sound, you don't need them.  Your voice is all you really need to reap the benefits of toning.  If you're up for something new and different, give it a try.  Even just 5 minutes is long enough to feel the soothing effects.

Friday, December 24, 2010

4 Secrets for Reducing Your Stress

You know you need to reduce your stress - but how?  
Here are 4 easy ways:

1.  Have a Reiki treatment.  Reiki is a holistic healing method using natural energy forces to create balance, vitality and wellness.   Reiki works by placing the hands over the major glands of the endocrine system, which governs metabolism, growth, aging, and the body's ability to heal itself. 

2.  Have a Sound Therapy treatment.   Sound therapy is the therapeutic use of sound and music to reduce anxiety and emotional stress, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and promote healing.   It's like a sound massage for your organs, bones and tissues.

3.  Learn to meditate.   Meditation teaches you to calm your mind, and a calm mind is the key to your health.   There are many different types of meditation to choose from.  You can meditate alone or with others, for as long or as little as you like.  Daily meditation leads to a sense of peace, insight and clarity.

4.  Learn Tai Chi.  Tai Chi is a moderate cardiovascular training exercise that can be done by virtually anyone regardless of their condition.   Tai Chi helps regulate the immune system, improves posture, and helps to focus your mind.  In fact, Tai Chi is called "moving meditation".   It has all the benefits of meditation with the added benefits of exercise.  It's the perfect stress reducer!

The benefits of having a Reki or Sound Therapy treatment are immediate, and arranging a treatment is as easy as phoning your local practitioner.   Learning meditation or Tai Chi takes some commitment, but the long term stress reducing benefits are more than worth the effort. 

I recommend starting your stress reduction program with a few Reiki or Sound Therapy treatments to get you on the road to relaxation.  Then add meditation and/or Tai Chi to build on your success.

Old Zen saying "Slow down and the thing you are chasing will come around and catch you."  

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What everyone should know about sound therapy.

Are you looking for an easy way to relax and rejuvenate?   Then you're looking for sound therapy! 

What is sound therapy? 
 It is the therapeutic use of sound and music to promote healing. 

What benefits can you expect?
    * Better sleep
    * Reduced stress and its related disorders 
    * Improved mental concentration and creativity

How does it work?
By encouraging your body to resonate at a cellular level, and at a specific frequency, for each gland, organ, system and subtle body.  This helps your body to relax and balance itself, returning to a state of homeostasis and more optimal functioning.    

Why does this happen?
There is an incredible amount of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of sound therapy.   Researchers are working to bring this evidence to bear the weight of standard scientific scrutiny.  Below is a sampling of the many areas being investigated:

1.  Our whole universe, including our bodies, is made up a extremely tiny vibrating strings.  This idea is known as string theory and describes our universe as being composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes (branes) of energy.  They vibrate and twist into different shapes, connect together and break apart.   This theory has important implications in modern energy healing arts and its concepts are similar to many ancient healing traditions.    Patricia R. Spadaro has more on the science of energy here:  The Science of Energy

2.  Our cells vary in size, and are giant compared to those theoretical strings.   The Centre for Neuroacoustic Research has studied direct stimulation of living cellular tissue with sound frequency vibration.   Since the human body is over 70% water, and since sound travels 5 times more efficiently through water than through air, sound frequency stimulation directly into the body is a highly efficient means for total body stimulation, especially at a cellular level.   They have also found that sound frequency pulse waves played directly into the body has a profound effect on the nervous system.   Far-reaching possibilities are inherent in using this type of vibrational technology in the areas of massage, energy work, physical healing, emotional release work, hypnosis, stress reduction, relaxation and meditation.

3.  Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has studied the effects of sound by photographing water crystals.   He plays different kinds of music next to the water samples, then freezes the samples resulting in crystals.  These crystalline structures are remarkably different, depending of the type of music they were exposed to.   To see some of his many beautiful photos click here.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Energy Healing or the Placebo Effect?

The placebo effect.  Is it just "all in your head"?  Not according to an experiment reported at http://www.physorg.com/news105029324.html.  The experiment, led by Tor Wager, Columbia professor of psychology, found when scientists applied a placebo cream to volunteers’ forearms,  opioid release occurred in brain areas associated with pain relief.    Wager explains: “These results extend our knowledge of how beliefs and expectations affect the brain's neurochemistry and show that one's mental response to a challenge can affect the brain and body in ways that are relevant to health.”

Even the folks at http://www.skepdic.com/placebo.html admit there is something more to the placebo effect than pure psychology.  They report that according to Dr. Walter A. Brown, a psychiatrist at Brown University:    " ...there is certainly data that suggest that just being in the healing situation accomplishes something."  Dr. Brown and others believe that the placebo effect is mainly or purely physical and due to physical changes that promote healing or feeling better. 

Physical changes..... caused by our beliefs....... that result in healing?  How do we tap into this unbelievable power?   Many of us already are!   Practitioners of Reiki, Sound Therapy, Shamballa and other healing energy arts draw on this power during every treatment.  The therapeutic effects are real: opioid release reduces pain; endorphins, cortisol and adrenaline changes result in reduced stress.  Stress reduction prevents or slows further harmful physical changes.   Does this explain everything that happens during an energy treatment?  Absolutely not.  But understanding there is a direct link between our psychology and our physiology is one more tiny step along the path of understanding.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Healing Intentions

Did you imagine a new world on Nov 11th?  If you missed it, you can still be part of the global consciousness.     The New Reality Transmission continues with daily meditation at 11:11 p.m. for the 11 days following Nov 11th.  Just click on the "Heal the Earth" link in the previous post and join in.

Or you can try Jonathan Goldman's "Temple of Sacred Sound".  There are three toning chambers where you can listen to different tones, watch some interesting visuals and meditate on healing the earth.  There's even an option to join in using your own microphone.     Enter the Temple of Sacred Sound

Creating a better future through positive intention.  Let's give it a try!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some days a skeptic

In his book "The Healing Promise of Qi" Roger Jahnke tells us "From simply becoming aware of the existence of Qi in the world and within yourself, you may eventually be able to learn directly from the Qi itself.  While you already know this as a theory, one of the rewards of Qi cultivation is that, over time, you can go beyond mental concepts.  You may evolve or mature to a deep knowing or experiential grasp that Qi is the essence of everything.  It will become clear that you are Qi.  You are primarily energy and consciousness, and your body is a vehicle for your multidimensional self.  This is challenging.  The invisible part of your multidimensional self becomes more dominant than the visible part of yourself.  The physical and physiological selves become secondary to the energetic self, the mental/emotional self and the transcendental or spiritual self."

Check out the book "The Healing Promise of Qi"

I am a skeptic at heart, and when I started Tai Chi thought all the energy talk was nothing but mumbo-jumbo.   As I practiced, I eventually started to experience signs of Qi within - for me, tingling hands and feeling spacey.  Still I remained skeptical.  As my Qi experience grew, I became interested in other energy-related arts.  First was Reiki.  I didn't have a clue how it worked, and to be honest, am still not sure we really do understand it.  Still a skeptic. Then came Sound Therapy.  Now at least that sounded like science -  sound waves, vibrations and the like.    But my clients' experiences were not science-like at all.   I couldn't explain any of it, so I stayed in my comfortable skeptic zone.  After Sound Therapy I learned Shamballa .  To say this challenged my internal skeptic is an understatement!  There was not a whiff of science, just channelled messages from long dead saints.  Oh my, how did I end up here?  How does this stuff work?  None of it makes any logical sense.  My mind can't understand, yet I see it work every time with my own eyes.    I think this is what Roger means when he says "you can go beyond mental concepts".    Some days I go beyond mental concepts.  Some days I'm still a skeptic.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

I never intended to be here.  By "here" I mean being an energy healer.   I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to learn Tai Chi eight years ago.  Well, as they say, one thing leads to another, and "here" I am.

Eight years and I've only scratched the surface!  The journey continues...

"Wouldn't take nothing for my journey now."  Maya Angelou