I did it!
The April A-Z challenge was an awesome opportunity to connect with other bloggers, find great new blogs to follow and hone up on my posting skills. I have to admit though, I'm glad it's over. Thirty posts in thirty days is tough for me to sustain. In non-April months I'm not usually online on a daily basis, so I'm happy to revert back to my pre-challenge posting schedule of once per week (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on life).
The main focus of my future posts will continue to be the healing energy
arts, though I plan to cast my idea-net a little wider. Later this
month I will be attending the 14th World Congress on Qigong
and hope to learn some great stuff I can share with you. In the
meantime, if you have any questions about Reiki, Tai Chi, Qigong,
Shamballa or Sound Therapy, please leave a comment on this post. I'll
do my best to answer it for you.