Healing Hamilton

Assisting you on your path to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reiki. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Info & Ideas

My favourite thing is to help people.  More specifically, to help people help themselves.  I love to share information and ideas, especially those that fall outside of what is considered to be mainstream.  There is so much valuable information and so many great ideas that never seem to make it into the public consciousness.  No effort is required to learn what the mainstream media  wants us to know, we're bombarded with those images and messages constantly.  But if you want to learn what we're not being told,  you really need to look.

That's what physician and technologist Craig Feied did.  He took on a massive data collection project in US hospitals and analyzed the findings.  According to Levitt & Dubner, authors of Superfreakonomics,  here's what he learned:

"...more people with non fatal problems are taking more medication and having more procedures, many of which are not really helpful, a few of which are harmful, while the people with really fatal illness are rarely cured and ultimately die anyway."

Mr. Feied also analyzed the statistics at hospitals in the US, Israel and Columbia.  What he found is astonishing:  When doctors were on strike, or if large numbers of doctors were absent (say to attend a conference) there was a 18% - 50% drop in mortality.  This means that fewer people die when there are less doctors around!

I'm sharing this information with you, along with the idea that perhaps it's time complementary healing modalities like Reiki, acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy and osteopathy moved into the mainstream.   Not to replace critical medical care, but to provide non-invasive relief to the vast numbers of people with non-urgent ailments.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Brow Chakra: No sweat required

In traditional Yogic chakra theory, there are 7 major chakras in the body.  These chakras are like emotional and spiritual transducers that absorb and distribute life energy to various body organs and tissues.   In the same way that physical toxins can produce illness, emotional toxins can poison the physical and spiritual body in many subtle ways.

My previous chakra posts:       For the heart chakra please click here
                                                 For the solar plexus chakra please click here

Today we explore the brow (or third eye) chakra.

The Brow Chakra

This chakra, located in the centre of your forehead just above your eyebrows, is associated with your eyes, ears, and the parts of your brain where two very important glands reside - the hypothalamus and the pituitary.  Together, these two glands regulate all the other glands in the body, controlling your body temperature, water balance, metabolism, intellectual functioning, emotions, sex drive, pain and pleasure. 

Emotionally and spiritually your brow chakra is related to your ability to see your life clearly, your intuition and inner vision as well as the use of your mind for intellectual purposes.  This is where we define our relationship to knowledge, wisdom and vision.  It is said this chakra may become blocked when we do not allow ourselves to "see" what's going on in our lives, or when we relate to others and the world around us only through our emotions while entirely ignoring what our minds have to say.

Considered the seat of intuition, chakra theory suggests that as we start to mature spiritually and allow ourselves to open to new ideas and information, we begin to make a spiritual shift in consciousness.  This shift may eventually allow us to see beyond the visible physical world into the higher vibrational world of subtle energy.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Who's in Control Anyway?

A weekly post, on a topic selected by Word Nerd Speaks .


Our bodies know how to heal themselves.   A broken bone knits itself together, skin regenerates itself underneath a protective scab, neural pathways in the brain can rewire themselves.   Pretty standard stuff you say?  Yes, we've become quite nonchalant.  But if you take a moment to think about it, our body's ability to heal itself is actually quite amazing. 

Who's in control of this healing?  The doctor?  Doctors prescribe the most effective medication available, dispense the most current advice, then wait to see how a body responds.  Some bodies respond with healing, some don't.  No, I don't think the doctor is in control. 

What about energy healers?  Are they in control of the physical healing by manipulating your energy?  Again, the answer is "no".  If you come across an energy healer who tells you otherwise run away....fast. 

A good energy healer recognizes she doesn't control anything.  Using her intention, she allows your body's natural healing to take place.  That's all there is to it.  Modalities, like sound healing and Reiki for example, are tools healers use to assist with focusing their intent.   Using these tools without intention is like trying to drive a car without wheels - you're not going to get anywhere.

I recently attended a talk given by Simon Hay, Soul Healer , an Australian on business in the U.S.  Thanks to host Evita Ochel of Evolving Beings Simon crossed the border into Canada where I heard him speak.  He is an amazing healer/regular guy who teaches that every one of us is a healer.   According to Simon:

"Healing is attention without direction. When I’m healing, spirit reminds me that I’m not in control. My only purpose is to be attentive. My intention is to heal, not heal something, or heal this way. This allows me to see what’s happening and not create the outcome. We’ve forgotten that our bodies can self-heal."  The rest of his article can be read here.

In the world of energy healing, when it comes to control, less always results in more.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Get rid of that achy with Reiki

"R" is for Reiki

Reiki is a holistic healing method using natural energy forces to create balance, vitality and wellness at the physical, emotional and spiritual level.  Reiki works by placing the hands over the major glands of the endocrine system - called chakras - which governs hormone production.  This system controls metabolism, growth, aging, resistance to stress and the body's ability to heal itself.  Reiki helps the body balance the system resulting in deep relaxation which also enhances the body's ability to heal itself.   From "Practical Reiki" Mari Hall, Director, International Association of Reiki

Before you're ready to pick up the phone and schedule your first appointment, you probably have some questions you'd like answered.  Here are there top 5 questions my Reiki clients ask me, along with my answers:

Q. What exactly do you do?

A. I smooth your energy field.  Each body has a bio-field, or aura, which is affected by physical and emotional states of being.  It is this smoothing that results in deep relaxation, increased energy, feelings of well being, and reduced stress which all enhance your body's ability to heal itself.

Q.  How do you feel my energy field? 

A.  Once prepared for a treatment, my hands are highly sensitized and tingle as I put them into your bio-field.   Some areas feel smoother than others.  The smooth areas feel tingly, while the rough areas send little jolts of energy through my fingers.  It feels like little bolts of lightening or electrical shocks.  I can also experience heat (in my hands only or in my whole body), coolness in my hands, or even a "spacey" feeling in my head.   I focus on the rough areas, working on them until they feel smooth.  Once the whole bio-field feels smooth, your treatment is complete.

Q.  How does the healing happen?

A.  No one knows for sure.  What I can tell you is that intention is the most important thing.  My intention is to be an energy conduit, to provide you with whatever you need for your  "highest and best".  This means I don't try to direct the energy in any way.  Nor do I take credit for the healing that takes place.  I am only a conduit for the universal energy - it and your body do the rest.

Q.  Why was your treatment different from my last Reiki treatment?

A.  Each Reiki student is taught the history of Reiki, shown the proper hand positions, receives an attunement, practices under the watchful eye of their master, then offers Reiki to others.   Because intuition varies from one Reiki practitioner to the next, and because intuition is a large part of Reiki, each practitioner slowly develops her/his own style.  

Q.  Can I learn Reiki? 

A.  YES!  Everyone can learn to give Reiki.  I believe it is something each and every human being can learn because energy is the nature of our existence. 

Want to learn to feel energy?  Try the simple practice exercises found here and you will be feeling your own energy in no time!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Healing or cure: Which to prefer?

What's the difference between  HEALING and CURING? 

According to Michael Lerner, Ph.D. and head of Commonweal Cancer Help Program  "Healing and curing are not synonymous.  Cure refers to complete biological resolution of a disease state, while healing refers to a revitalizing and regenerative process that can occur on emotional, spiritual, or physical levels - and sometimes on all three levels in concert."

So based on this definition, the energy arts of Reiki, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Sound Therapy and Shamballa are all healing systems.  

We usually hear about healing systems in the context of what is called the "holistic approach".   According to the merriam-webster online dictionary holistic means "relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts <holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body> <holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system>".   

So again, based on this definition Touch for Health, Reiki, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are all holistic healing systems.

When thinking about healing vs curing it's important to note that, while healing can include curing, neither necessarily encompasses the other:  You can be healed and not cured.  You can be cured and not healed.    In an example of the first scenario (healed, not cured) imagine a person with a terminal disease who lives beyond what is statistically expected, and finds joy, peace and satisfaction in their final months of life.  In the second scenario (cured, not healed) imagine a person who recovers from a life threatening disease and continues to live with depression, anxiety and pain.   As Mitchell Raynor, M.D. puts it in his book Sounds of Healing: "Our concept of healing should never be limited to physical cure."  

It's rather obvious that anyone's preference would be to have both healing and a cure.  So how do you improve your chances of attaining this goal?  First by seeking professional medical attention and following any treatment advice you're given.  Then find a complementary holistic healing modality that appeals to you - Touch for Health, Reiki, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are just a few of the many available.

The really great thing about the complementary healing systems is that you can use them any time.  You don't have to be in need of a cure to benefit from healing.  Do you know anyone who wouldn't want to be more relaxed, have increased energy and feelings of well being, or have less aches and pains?  Neither do I!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Considering Reiki? Here's what you should know.

Before you're ready to pick up the phone and schedule your first appointment, you probably have some questions you'd like answered.  Here are there top 5 questions my Reiki clients ask, along with my answers:

Q. What exactly do you do?

A. I smooth your energy field.  Each body has a bio-field, or aura, which is affected by physical and emotional states of being.  Reiki, Shamballa, Therapeutic Touch and Chi Healing all work on the same principal.  Though they may use different approaches, they all aim to smooth the bio-field.  It is this smoothing that results in deep relaxation, increased energy, feelings of well being, and reduced stress which all enhance your body's ability to heal itself.

Q.  What do you feel when you're doing Reiki? 

A.  Once prepared for a treatment, my hands are highly sensitized and tingle as I put them into your bio-field.   Some areas feel smoother than others.  The smooth areas feel tingly, while the rough areas send little jolts of energy through my fingers.  It feels like little bolts of lightening or electrical shocks.  I can also experience heat (in my hands only or in my whole body), coolness in my hands, or even a "spacey" feeling in my head.   I focus on the rough areas, working on them until they feel smooth.  Once the whole bio-field feels smooth, your treatment is complete.

Q.  How do you prepare?

A.  I take ten minutes to relax, calm my mind and set my intention.  My intention is to be an energy conduit, to provide you with whatever you need for your  "highest and best".  This means I don't try to direct the energy in any way.  Nor do I take credit for the healing that takes place.  I am only a conduit for the universal energy - it and your body do the rest.

Q.  Why was your treatment different from my last Reiki treatment?

A.  Each Reiki student is taught the history of Reiki, shown the proper hand positions, receives an attunement, practices under the watchful eye of their master, then offers Reiki to others.   Because intuition varies from one Reiki practitioner to the next, and because intuition is a large part of Reiki, each practitioner slowly develops their own style.   It's kind of like cursive writing.  Remember how we were all taught to write our upper and lower case letters exactly the same?  They even gave us special paper with extra lines so our letters would all be exactly the same size.   Yet as we practiced over time we all developed our own distinct writing style.  The same thing happens with Reiki.

Q.  Can I learn Reiki? 

A.  YES!  Everyone can learn to give Reiki.  I believe it is something each and every human being can learn because energy is the nature of our existence.  Think about it this way:  Everyone can run, but only a tiny percentage of us are born with the ability to be an olympic athelete.   But that doesn't stop the rest of us from running marathons to raise money for charity, or running to catch the last bus.  It's the same with energy.  A tiny percentage of us are born with a natural talent, but that shouldn't stop the rest of us from learning enough to treat our own aches and pains, help relieve a friend's headache, or ease a loved-one's depression.  
Want to learn to feel energy?  Try the simple practice exercises found here and you will be feeling your own energy in no time!

Friday, December 24, 2010

4 Secrets for Reducing Your Stress

You know you need to reduce your stress - but how?  
Here are 4 easy ways:

1.  Have a Reiki treatment.  Reiki is a holistic healing method using natural energy forces to create balance, vitality and wellness.   Reiki works by placing the hands over the major glands of the endocrine system, which governs metabolism, growth, aging, and the body's ability to heal itself. 

2.  Have a Sound Therapy treatment.   Sound therapy is the therapeutic use of sound and music to reduce anxiety and emotional stress, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and promote healing.   It's like a sound massage for your organs, bones and tissues.

3.  Learn to meditate.   Meditation teaches you to calm your mind, and a calm mind is the key to your health.   There are many different types of meditation to choose from.  You can meditate alone or with others, for as long or as little as you like.  Daily meditation leads to a sense of peace, insight and clarity.

4.  Learn Tai Chi.  Tai Chi is a moderate cardiovascular training exercise that can be done by virtually anyone regardless of their condition.   Tai Chi helps regulate the immune system, improves posture, and helps to focus your mind.  In fact, Tai Chi is called "moving meditation".   It has all the benefits of meditation with the added benefits of exercise.  It's the perfect stress reducer!

The benefits of having a Reki or Sound Therapy treatment are immediate, and arranging a treatment is as easy as phoning your local practitioner.   Learning meditation or Tai Chi takes some commitment, but the long term stress reducing benefits are more than worth the effort. 

I recommend starting your stress reduction program with a few Reiki or Sound Therapy treatments to get you on the road to relaxation.  Then add meditation and/or Tai Chi to build on your success.

Old Zen saying "Slow down and the thing you are chasing will come around and catch you."  

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Energy Healing or the Placebo Effect?

The placebo effect.  Is it just "all in your head"?  Not according to an experiment reported at http://www.physorg.com/news105029324.html.  The experiment, led by Tor Wager, Columbia professor of psychology, found when scientists applied a placebo cream to volunteers’ forearms,  opioid release occurred in brain areas associated with pain relief.    Wager explains: “These results extend our knowledge of how beliefs and expectations affect the brain's neurochemistry and show that one's mental response to a challenge can affect the brain and body in ways that are relevant to health.”

Even the folks at http://www.skepdic.com/placebo.html admit there is something more to the placebo effect than pure psychology.  They report that according to Dr. Walter A. Brown, a psychiatrist at Brown University:    " ...there is certainly data that suggest that just being in the healing situation accomplishes something."  Dr. Brown and others believe that the placebo effect is mainly or purely physical and due to physical changes that promote healing or feeling better. 

Physical changes..... caused by our beliefs....... that result in healing?  How do we tap into this unbelievable power?   Many of us already are!   Practitioners of Reiki, Sound Therapy, Shamballa and other healing energy arts draw on this power during every treatment.  The therapeutic effects are real: opioid release reduces pain; endorphins, cortisol and adrenaline changes result in reduced stress.  Stress reduction prevents or slows further harmful physical changes.   Does this explain everything that happens during an energy treatment?  Absolutely not.  But understanding there is a direct link between our psychology and our physiology is one more tiny step along the path of understanding.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some days a skeptic

In his book "The Healing Promise of Qi" Roger Jahnke tells us "From simply becoming aware of the existence of Qi in the world and within yourself, you may eventually be able to learn directly from the Qi itself.  While you already know this as a theory, one of the rewards of Qi cultivation is that, over time, you can go beyond mental concepts.  You may evolve or mature to a deep knowing or experiential grasp that Qi is the essence of everything.  It will become clear that you are Qi.  You are primarily energy and consciousness, and your body is a vehicle for your multidimensional self.  This is challenging.  The invisible part of your multidimensional self becomes more dominant than the visible part of yourself.  The physical and physiological selves become secondary to the energetic self, the mental/emotional self and the transcendental or spiritual self."

Check out the book "The Healing Promise of Qi"

I am a skeptic at heart, and when I started Tai Chi thought all the energy talk was nothing but mumbo-jumbo.   As I practiced, I eventually started to experience signs of Qi within - for me, tingling hands and feeling spacey.  Still I remained skeptical.  As my Qi experience grew, I became interested in other energy-related arts.  First was Reiki.  I didn't have a clue how it worked, and to be honest, am still not sure we really do understand it.  Still a skeptic. Then came Sound Therapy.  Now at least that sounded like science -  sound waves, vibrations and the like.    But my clients' experiences were not science-like at all.   I couldn't explain any of it, so I stayed in my comfortable skeptic zone.  After Sound Therapy I learned Shamballa .  To say this challenged my internal skeptic is an understatement!  There was not a whiff of science, just channelled messages from long dead saints.  Oh my, how did I end up here?  How does this stuff work?  None of it makes any logical sense.  My mind can't understand, yet I see it work every time with my own eyes.    I think this is what Roger means when he says "you can go beyond mental concepts".    Some days I go beyond mental concepts.  Some days I'm still a skeptic.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

I never intended to be here.  By "here" I mean being an energy healer.   I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to learn Tai Chi eight years ago.  Well, as they say, one thing leads to another, and "here" I am.

Eight years and I've only scratched the surface!  The journey continues...

"Wouldn't take nothing for my journey now."  Maya Angelou